Q. Can I return/exchange the order?
A. If you are not 100% satisfied with the product you have received, you can return/exchange it within 15 days of receiving the order. The only condition is that the product should be in the same state as you received it.

Q. How much refund do I get in the Product Returns?
A. You will receive full refund against your return, excluding shipping charges (if any).

Q. How do I return/exchange the product?
A. If you decide to return the product for any reason, you may send us an email at  along with the photo of the product received. Let us know if you cannot send an image for the product received. Once acknowledged by us, you can initiate the return process by sending it to us and share the tracking number on email.

Please note that the return shipping will be borne by you in the case of product returns.

As soon as we receive the product, it will pass through our inspection team. Any wear and tear, alteration, resizing, or any other changes to the returned product will make it fail the inspection and the product will be shipped back to you. Please note the inspection team may take upto 7 days to complete and send the report back to you.

Q. Will I be charged for shipping in case of Product Exchanges?
A. Don’t worry, we will cover the return shipping cost in case of product exchange. And, it would get settled at the time of sending the exchanged product.

Q. How do I select the product I want in exchange?
A. Once the product passes the inspection, we will contact you to gather details of the product you want in exchange. Visit for selecting the product you want in exchange in lieu.

Q. When will I receive the refund?
A. Once product inspection is completed, we will initiate a refund within 15 days.

Q. Does my product hold a WARRANTY?
A. Every piece of Jewelry has a 1 month (30 days) warranty. If any item is unintentionally damaged, it would get replaced by a new one. You may also exchange to a lesser value item and the difference would get adjusted / refunded. 

If your purchase was accompanied by a promotional item, you need to return that item too, in order to receive full refund. This is not required in case of exchange.
For any queries regarding our product, shipping & returns, kindly contact us at .

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